Walter M. Baumhofer Born in Brooklyn, N.Y. 1904 son of Henry & Marie. Married to Alureda, he was a Scholarship Graduate at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn in 1923 and was the pupil of Dean Cornwell. He began doing black and white headings for Adventure and sold his first pulp cover in 1926, developing "a bold, dramatic approach" that "has characterized his work ever since." By 1933 Baumhofer received a contract from Street & Smith to do 50 covers a year. He also painted the original covers for Doc Savage magazine. In 1936 Baumhofer painted 84 illustrations for Street & Smith, Popular, and Liberty, a total he now considers "incredible." His calendar subjects were historical, hunting dogs, horses, and fishing. He also did posters (ie: the movie Gone With The Wind, etc.) Listed in the Editor's Introduction of the December 1981 Issue of Southwest Art Magazine as one of the top 7 Illustrators! Also featured in the October 1980 Annual Collectors edition of Southwest Art.
His works also appeared in the following publications:
American American Family American Legion American Weekly Argosy Autopsy Chatelaine Colliers Cosmopolitan Country Country Gentleman |
Elks Esquire Everywoman's Family Famous Lives Farm Journal Home Ladies' Home Journal Liberty Life Story Main Street |
McCall's Outdoor Life Reader's Digest Redbook Sports Afield Steelways This Week Today's Woman True Woman's Day Woman's Home Companion |
All of the books that have been written on pulp magazines
mention Walter Baumhofer's illustrations, and one of the books reproduces
Baumhofer's paintings on its dust jacket. He spent a great deal of time
on trips to the West and the West Indies. He lived in Northport, N.Y. since
Represented in the
following reference books:
Who's Who in American Art
Who's Who in the East
The Illustrator in America
Artists of the American West
Cambridge International Biography
Community Leaders
Noteworthy Americans
Walter Baumhofer was also a Member of the Society of Illustrators and with them did a One Man Show, nineteen Group Shows, and Lectures. Lectured and Exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. He was an award Winner at the 13th Annual Long Island Artists, Stony Brook Abercrombie & Fitch Gallery, Island Interiors at St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
Collections include:
Guardian Federal Savings & Loan
Custer Museum
Union Free School District 4
4-H National Headquarters
Irving Trust Company
Riveredge Foundation